Nature Reserve & Biological Station
Tropical Ecology Course
Tropical Ecology and Conservation in theory and practice
The biological station Un poco del Chocó offers a course on tropical ecology & conservation which deals with the ecology, biodiversity and conservation of tropical ecosystems both in theoretical lectures and practical modules. Particularly interesting topics will be presented by the students as short reports (Power Point presentation).
Two days of the course will be held in Mindo and will treat the conservation aspect in more detail.

Tropical Ecology Course at Biological Station Un poco del Chocó in Ecuador-South America

Tropical Ecology Course at Biological Station Un poco del Chocó in Ecuador-South America

Tropical Ecology Course at Biological Station Un poco del Chocó in Ecuador-South America

Tropical Ecology Course at Biological Station Un poco del Chocó in Ecuador-South America
Theoretical part
- tropics and tropical ecosystems
- tropical rainforest and its structure
- cycles and processes
- herbivory and the neotropical pharmacy
- camouflage and warning coloration
- biodiversity and evolution of the neotropical rainforest
- introduction to other tropical ecosystems
- flowers and their pollinators
- conservation in the tropics
Practical Part
- forest hike (introduction to the structure of tropical rainforests and its typical flora)
- night hike (introduction to the nocturnal fauna)
- bird monitoring (mistnetting & banding, census)
- pollination ecology (nectar measurements)
- camera trap monitoring
Conservation Module
- visits to Paz de las Aves Reserve and bird garden El Descanso (discussion ecotourism & conservation)
- butterfly garden
- orchid garden
- Sachatamia Reserve (discussion on the impact of the oil pipeline)
We are currently monitoring the Covid-19 pandemic and will announce new dates as soon as we deem the situation safe enough.
Costs TBD
This includes food & lodging at the biological station and in Mindo, entry fees, on-site transportation and taxes.
I never thought getting to know the rainforest and tropical ecology would be that easy and that much fun. A unique experience!
Sonja, Germany