Environmental Education workshop with Sinsoluka Foundation
Yesterday we had a visit from 22 kids of the Sinsoluka Foundation from Quito. Maartje, a dutch intern, who did a three months project on mixed species flocks in the reserve, had worked with that foundation as a volunteer and she had the idea of bringing some of the kids to the reserve. The Sinsoluka Foundation helps kids with a difficult family background and we thought it is a great idea to give them the opportunity to learn about the montane rainforest.
So the kids left Quito early in the morning and travelled to Las Tolas with a bus. But because of the heavy rainfalls in January we still had problems with a landslide on the road to the station and the kids took the milk truck to get down to the station.
When they arrived, Maartje first gave them a small introduction of the rainforest and then we took off to walk our nature learning trail. The kids found a lot of interesting things in the forest but a highlight definitely was a coiled Fer-de-Lance next to the trail.
After lunch we played some games with the kids and some made collages with things they had found in the forest.
This blog post was written by Nicole