Nature Reserve & Biological Station
Our Research Projects.
Are you interested in our ongoing-research projects?
Learn more about our work as a bird observatory and our avian reseach program, the investigation of plant-hummingbird interactions and our participation in the EPHI project, or the different inventories and surveys on biodiversity !!
Your Own Tropical Field Studies.
Scientists and students are welcome to conduct their field studies for independent research or thesis projects at the biological station Un poco del Chocó. In the past years, the nature reserve has served as a study site to investigate several independent research and thesis projects (listed here). Field studies at Un poco del Chocó can be conducted and supervised in one of our ongoing research projects. We would like to encourage students and interns to elaborate further research on these topics. Furthermore new projects and research ideas are always welcome!!

Independent Research
The field work for independent research projects can be realized in the nature reserve and its surroundings. During a study project a workplace in the lab will be provided for researchers or students. Likewise the available scientific literature and station’s equipment can be used (please ask for a detailed list).
In the case of bachelor and master's theses Nicole can help planning and realizing the field work as your external supervisor.
Research proposal
If you are interested in conducting an independent research project at the nature reserve and biological station Un poco del Chocó, please add a research proposal to your application.
The proposal should contain the following:
- duration of study
- exposition of research topic
- aim of study
- existing research (literature)
- approach, material and methods
- expected results

Research permits
Any manipulation or collection of wildlife needs to be approved! This means that depending on your research project you might need to apply for a research permit at the Ministry of Environment.
For further details about the application requirements please contact us.
Researcher rates are starting at 275 $*/week
*depends on length of stay, the amount of supervision, field assistance and resources needed