Nature Reserve & Biological Station
Banded Ground-Cuckoo
Since the Banded Ground-Cuckoo (Neomorphus radiolosus) was discovered at Un poco del Chocó in September 2012, the small reserve became the best spot for the observation of this very rare Chocó-endemic.

photographed by Jonathan Rossouw

photographed by Jonathan Rossouw

photographed by Charly Sax

photographed by Jonathan Rossouw
From September 2012 until September 2013 we observed a total of five different individuals of Banded Ground-Cuckoos in the reserve. Three individuals could be hand-fed with grasshoppers allowing visitors to finally see and photograph this rare Chocó-endemic. The Banded Ground-Cuckoos were always seen around army ant swarms which we therefore tracked around the reserve and neighboring properties. As the army ants moved into very difficult terrain in September 2013, we had to stop tracking them and therefore also lost track of two adult and a juvenile Banded Ground-Cuckoos we were feeding by that time.
14 months later, in November 2014, a pair of Banded Ground-Cuckoos returned together with an army ant swarm. Luckily one of the individuals was still tame and we fed this individual for a couple of weeks in order to show it to visiting bird enthusiasts. But soon the army ants left the reserve again.
Due to the given difficulties in tracking the army ants, we have not been feeding the Banded Ground-Cuckoo anymore, but the reserve is definitely part of its big territory and every once in a while we have sightings of this special bird. You are welcome to visit and try your luck!
Any news on the Banded Ground-Cuckoos will be posted on our Blog and Facebook-page.
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